Service Activities

Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu is also a Public Health Specialist serving the poor and needy through his organization BOSS & CIPCA


Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu is the Founder President and CEO of the “Blood donors Organisation for Social Service” (BOSS) and its AIDS Branch “Centre for Information, Prevention and Counselling on AIDS” (CIPCA), A Registered First Charitable Non-Govt. Voluntary Community Based Organisation in the country to have started working on Blood donations and HIV/AIDS in the year 1987 and now it has 1525 doctors and 14908 Blood donors as its members.


Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu has so far organized 1167 Free Rural Medical and Health Camps in the rural areas of the Chittoor, Nellore, Kadapa and Anantapur Districts in Andhra Pradesh since April 1987 to March 2023.

One of the objectives of the organization is to reach the people in the most inaccessible rural areas. Accordingly we identified the most inaccessible villages in the above Districts of Andhra Pradesh and the criterion of inaccessibility being

    1. One of the objectives of the organization is to reach the people in the most inaccessible rural areas. Accordingly we identified the most inaccessible villages in the above Districts of Andhra Pradesh and the criterion of inaccessibility being Villages located minimum 20 km away from the road point.

    2. No medical facilities like PHC with in 20 km radius and

    3. Medical camp should be accessible to people from a minimum of 10 Villages and about 10000 populations.

After fixing up the doctors and other medical personnel required for the camp, a team from BOSS & CIPCA visits the selected villages to create awareness of medical camp among the population. Time taken for creating awareness before each camp was at least 10 days. On the fixed date the team consisting of doctors belonging to different specialties and other personnel reached the village by 8 AM and began the examination of the patients. Since response for our camps was overwhelming the camp continued till late in to the night. Possible laboratory investigations like blood, urine and motion were carried out and after the diagnosis the patients were provided medicines free of cost for three days. Those requiring prolonged treatment were referred to the Govt. hospitals and all facilities were provided free of cost to such patients. In a few cases patients were referred to the doctors who are the members of BOSS & CIPCA who treated them free of cost. The total number of villages 2965 and population of 55,27,340 were benefited through these campaigns. Around 10452 different Specialist Doctors attended the Camps and provided free treatment and drugs. The funds for organizing these campaigns were provided by 825 member doctors of the organization. Apart from attending the organization Free Rural Medical & Health Camps Dr. Rayapu, Ramesh Babu also attended more than 975 Free Rural Medical & Health Camps co-organised with other National & International organization like Lions Clubs, Rotary Club’s, Trusts, Charitable Institutions etc, in the region.


Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu, through "BOSS & CIPCA" has so far conducted 2635 Blood donation motivation campaigns since April 1987 to March 2023. These campaigns have been carried out in the urban areas of Chittoor, Nellore, Kadapa and Anantapur Districts in Andhra Pradesh State. The target groups were people falling in between 18 to 50 years of age group. He has visited the colleges, schools, Govt. offices, factories, banks, youth clubs etc, and organized meetings, both informal and formal to explain the importance of blood donation and to clear many doubts and misconceptions about blood donation raised by the people. He has also distributed relevant IEC materials. Those who were interested to donate blood were registered as voluntary blood donors in the “Blood Donors’ District Registry” with their full address and phone numbers. Before registering, their blood groups were identified. The register with names and contact address are being kept in the office of the BOSS & CIPCA. Whenever blood is required for a patient, a matching donor nearest to the patients’ area was requested to serve the patient by donating required blood and this service is available only to the poor who are admitted in to the govt. hospitals only.

"Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu" has motivated more than 31, 22,920 people towards Blood Donation through these Blood Donation Motivation campaigns and the Blood dented to only recognized Government Blood Banks only

The funds to organize these campaigns have been provided by the member doctors of the “BOSS & CIPCA” organization.


“Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has so far organized 1110 Mass Blood Donation camps since April 1987 to March 2023.

Every blood donation camp preceded awareness campaign. Depending on the response of the people from different areas and with the collaboration of the Govt. regional blood bank camps were organized at the donors places itself. Blood was drawn from the healthy people after general health check-up. After the collection of the blood, it was screened by the Blood bank for HIV and other diseases. The blood bank referred back the HIV positive cases to our organization for further action. The donors were given certificates of appreciation and minimum insurance cover.

Dr. Rayapu, Ramesh Babu, not only donating his blood 200 times in 40 years of time it’s an International Record - (from April 1978 to March 2018 ) he has also motivated more than 31,22,920 persons to donate blood so far.

The member doctors of the “BOSS & CIPCA” organisation have provided funds for these campaigns. The Blood donation camps are most successful, because the blood bank goes to the doorsteps of the donor.

Dr.Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has so far organized 456 were Cancer Awareness and Prevention Campaigns since April 1987 to March 2023.

396 were Cancer Awareness and Prevention Campaigns which were designed to create awareness among the people about the dreaded disease Cancer, its causes and preventions. Around 5,55,312 people were motivated through these campaigns and identified more than 2587 people with cancers and advised proper guidance and treatment for them. The member doctors of the “BOSS & CIPCA” organisation have provided funds for these campaigns.

Dr.Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has so far organized Covid-19 , Awareness and Prevention Campaigns since January 2020 to March 2022.

180 were Covid-19 Awareness and Prevention Campaigns which were designed to create awareness among the people about the dreaded disease Covid-19 Infection, its causes and prevention and Vaccine promotion. Around 57,931 people were motivated through these campaigns and motivated to go for voluntary testing if they have any mild symptoms, suggesting mild positives cases to go for further treatment and management to nearby quarantine centers. For serious cases are being referred to nearby Covid care hospitals for admissions and treatment. The member doctors of the “BOSS & CIPCA” organisation have provided funds for these campaigns.


The “Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has so far organized 3600 AIDS Awareness Campaigns April 1987 to March 2023.

These campaigns are three types, they are as follows:

1. Community AIDS Awareness Campaigns (CAAP): 1702

These campaigns are confined to urban population. First the areas where large numbers of people are gathered in the evenings or during the free time were identified and the campaigners delivered a small speech (explanation) in simple language about AIDS followed by discussion and dialogue with the people. Wherever it was required the help of audiovisual equipment was taken, IEC material on HIV/AIDS was distributed to the people. So far “Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has conducted 1702 community AIDS awareness campaigns at different Mandals of Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur and Nellore Districts and educated more than 99,37,880 people. The member doctors of the “BOSS & CIPCA” organization provided the funds for these campaigns.

2. Campaign Among Student on AIDS (CASA): 575

After taking permission from the concerned educational authorities of junior, degree and university colleges one and half hour sessions were organized in each of these institutions. Informative lectures were delivered by utilizing audio visual aids followed by a dialogue with the students. IEC literature on HIV/AIDS was distributed to the students. Same types of campaigns were organized in the student hostels, particularly in the evening and night times when students were relatively free and these sessions lasted for more than 3 to 4 hours with intensive interaction. It is interesting to note that interaction sessions in the hostels were more successful.

So far Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu through “BOSS & CIPCA” has conducted 350 campaigns among students on AIDS in Chittoor District only and other 225 campaigns among students on AIDS has been organized in the different colleges of Andhra Pradesh State from 2000-2006. He has educated and motivated more than 5,75,000 students as peer educators. Funds for these campaigns were provided by APSACS, Hyderabad. This is the only grant (Rs.1,75,000) the organization has received from Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in 1993.

3. Rural AIDS Awareness Campaigns (RAAC): 1326

The heads of the villages were first contacted and requested them to mobilize the people to attend a meeting at an appropriate place. The information about HIV/AIDS was disseminated to the people though folk media, like folk songs, play lets, dramas and even by small speeches in easy language. People were encouraged to ask questions and to interact with the organizers. Information on AIDS printed in simple Telugu (regional language) was distributed to the people. People were encouraged to visit the organizations Care and Counseling centers if they needed further information as well as any service with regard to HIV/AIDS.So far “Dr. Rayapu Ramesh Babu” has conducted 1326 Rural AIDS Awareness Campaign so far and educated more than 50,24,000 people. The organization doctors have given funds for these campaigns only.